September Newsletter

Dear Families,

Our school year is off to a fabulous start: the children are making new friends, learning their new routines, and enjoying the lessons and classroom activities.  We just can’t wait for some cooler weather so we can spend a little more time outside!

Please read this newsletter to stay “in the loop” about our upcoming activities, announcements and reminders.  Let’s have a great School Year together.

Valerie Frost-Lewis, MS Ed. (“Miss Val”)


 Two Optional Afternoon Activities are being Offered!

Soccer Shots on Wednesday afternoons at 2:00 p.m., and Wee Can Dance on Thursday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. are both wonderful options if you are looking to add special activities to your child’s week.  Both programs have been Peppermint Tree FAVORITES through the years – and we are excited to welcome them both back after a break during the Covid years.   Both programs are offering online sign ups.  Here are the links.  Sign up today to save a spot for your child:

Soccer Shots:

Wee Can Dance:


Earth Friends is back!

We are excited to be the pilot school for a new earth science curriculum, “Earth Friends”, for Preschool and PreK children, being developed by Peppermint Tree parent, Janna Hockenjos.  “Miss Janna” will be visiting the Preschool and PreK classrooms each Tuesday, and the teachers will also be following through with activities and lessons throughout the week.  We will also be keeping you in the loop with information for families on what we are learning, so you can extend the learning at home. Each Module of the curriculum has a family celebration – so stay tuned!!


Please join us for Our First Parent Group Meeting: Thursday, September 19th at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom

We invite all parents/guardians to attend our Parent Group Meeting via Zoom.  (Zoom link to be sent later.) This is your opportunity to meet with Miss Val every month, and to meet other parents to work together to create the community we want for our children and families.  We plan activities, parent workshops, and provide valuable feedback to the school director to assure we are meeting your needs.  As a part of our first meeting, we will have a special guest, Terece Torquato, the Family Engagement Specialist from the Children’s Home Society of NJ to talk about the Ages and Stages Questionnaire which we will be making available to you in the next few weeks. 


Toms River Schools are Closed on Monday, September 25th for Yom Kippur:  There is no school at Peppermint Tree for those following the Toms River Schools calendar.

On the days Toms River Schools are closed, for those of you who are registered for our Peppermint Tree calendar, we are open and we will be expecting your child to attend.  We will be combining children from the two PreK classes with any school age children who attend, into one group on these days.  We will also combine Early Learners and Preschool class children.

If you follow the Toms River schools calendar we will not be expecting your child on these days. But, if you need child care on this day, please call the office and we can arrange to care for your child, on a space available basis. You will be billed for the care on a per day basis.

School Portraits are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, September 27th & 28th

 The photos will be taken outdoors.  If the weather is not good, we will have a make up day.    If your child does not attend on a Wednesday or a Thursday, and you would like to have their picture taken, please call the office to set this up.  The photo sitting is free and there is no obligation to purchase photos.  The proofs will be available within a few weeks of the photo shoot, and you will be provided information to place your order online if you would like to purchase any photos.  We will take sibling groupings and classroom group photos in addition to individual portraits.

 Mark your calendar: Please join us for Back to School Night – Tuesday, October 10th, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

We will start on our playground!  (Parents, students and siblings are welcome.) We will bring small groups at a time into the classroom for a visit.  If it is rainy, we will limit classroom visits to 15 minutes to limit the group size at one time. 

 Sign Up to Bring in Lunch Time Milk for your Child’s Class

As you may know, we serve water all day, and milk with lunch.  We ask the parents to take turns sending in the lunch time milk for their child’s classroom.  We ask for a gallon of 1% organic milk to be sent in when it is your turn.  We have an online sign up form, and send the link out to families via email.  Please sign up, if you haven’t yet done so!  If your child does not drink cow’s milk, we don’t expect you to participate in sending in milk, but please do send in an alternate type of milk for your child each week or two, that we can keep for your child in the refrigerator.  Please label it with your child’s name.

Flu Shots

Every child attending preschool, who is under the age of five MUST have a flu shot between September 1st and December 31 each school year. Please send in your child’s immunization update when this is completed.

Accident Report Procedure

Please note that if your child gets a bump, bruise, or scrape, etc., we will note it on an accident report, and ask the parent to sign it at the end of the day. Parents only should sign this report, unless the parent has provided alternate permission. If there is any bump to the head or face we will call or text you at the time of the accident, as well.


·       Please do NOT park in front of our building where the curb is painted YELLOW.  This is an active bus stop – we have school busses that come and go all day!

·       Please return all paperwork, including medical forms, etc.

·       Please check your child’s backpack each day and remove papers and art work sent home from school.

·       Please send your child to school wearing sneakers on their feet…these are the safest on the playground.

·       Please drive SLOWLY in our driveway and parking lot.

·       Label everything: backpacks (on the OUTSIDE – in LARGE PRINT), lunch bags (on the OUTSIDE), jackets, sweaters, all clothes, etc.

·       Send in an extra set of clothes, including socks.



October newsletter


New School Year, New Website