We are offering three 3-week sessions:
Mon. – Fri. 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

  • Session 1:
    June 23-July 11 (Closed Friday, July 4th)

  • Session 2:
    July 14- August 1

  • Session 3:
    August 4 – August 22

Summer Camp 2025

Schedule Notes:  We offer two daily schedules, full or half-day.  Children may register for as few as 2 days per week or up to 5 days per week. On a space-available basis, extra days may be added upon office approval. Extra full days are charged at $76.00 each/5 years and up as of 6/3/25, $83 each/2.5-4 years as of 6/23/25. Extra half days are charged at $63.00 each/5 years and up as of 6/3/25, $69.00 each /2.5-4 years as of 6/23/25.

We will offer  “Mini-Camp” days, paid as extra days (see daily rates), if snow days are unused and for any days in between the end of school and camp. The swimming pool is not open during the “Mini-Camp”.   (Tentative last day of school is Tuesday, June 17, 2025.)

Ages 5 Years & Up on 6/23/2025

Age 5 years & up on 6/23/2025 Number of Days per Week
Cost per 3-week session 2 3 4 5
Full Day (over 5 hours) $475 $631 $783 $936
Half Day (10:00-3:00) $383 $537 $689 $844

Age 2.5 years on 6/23/2025

Age 2.5 years on 6/23/2025 Number of Days per Week
Cost per 3-week session 2 3 4 5
Full Day (over 5 hours) $523 $689 $892 $1060
Half Day (10:00-3:00) $428 $598 $767 $936

Extra Hours (or any part of an hour over 15 minutes) are charged at $13.00 per hour for 5 year-olds and up by 6/24/24, and $14.00 per hour for 2.5-4 year-olds by 6/24/24.

Non- refundable Family Registration Fee $100.00

There are no tuition credits given for absences, vacations, or illness.